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Illuminate Your Spirit is here to help you find clarity on your path with our many kinds of psychic and divinatory readings and to be a place to tune up your energy when your frequency feels low.

Coming soon!

Psychic & Mediumship Readings

Tarot Card Readings and Mediumship are done in 15 minute intervals that fit into any budget.


Your reading is done in a beautiful peaceful and private session. At any time during your reading, providing time allows, you can always extend your reading.

15 Minutes| $35

30 Minutes| $60

45 Minutes| $90

60 Minutes| $120

Psychic Readings are done

in-person, or over the phone 


Palm Reading

Libby and Sue do palm readings.

Palmistry is the art or practice of telling fortunes and interpreting the character of the palm of a person's hand. The hand is thought to be "an entry point to the inner soul" Palmistry focuses on the lines, mounds, and patterns, it speaks to everything from your talents, personality, and dreams to past lives, current circumstances, and destiny.

15 - 20 minutes


Birth Chart

Get your full birth chart done and read by Teri. The zodiac placements of all 7 planets and other celestial points based on birthdate/time/location

will give a unique blueprint of you!

Using Western astrology with these placements, we will explore personality, emotional self, love, career, worldview, and life. A greater understanding of the Self leads to a prosperous and harmonious life.




30 mins 

$75 chart + reading 

$30 for a printed birth chart only 


Turkish Coffee Readings by Libby

Reading coffee grounds or patterns left in a cup after drinking Turkish or Arabic coffee is a traditional practice known as tasseography or coffee cup readings. It’s often considered a form of divination or fortune-telling. In a reading, you will take a small drink of coffee and then your cup will be turned upside down on a plate. Once the coffee is dried, it will be flipped over and the markings and grounds left in your cup will be read.




10 - 15 minutes


This service is currently on hold; please check back in at a later date.


with gratitude,

♡ Libby and the IYS Team â™¡ 


Energy Healing with Sheri


Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions

Promote overall physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Gain balance, peace & happiness!


2pm - 7pm Tuesday walk-ins

other days/times by request.


Intuitive Reiki

Intuitive Reiki is a unique blend of the deep, peaceful healing energy of Reiki, Theta healing, Crystal healing, Angelic healing, and Soul Alchemy.


These sessions may also include:

  • Repair of auric field (tears, holes, imbalances)

  • Release of energetic cords, intrusions, and/or attachments

  • Power Retrieval

  • Essence Retrieval

  • Spiritual Counseling

  • Guided intuitive messages from your angels, guides, ascended masters, power animals and/or other benevolent helpers

  • Life lessons, decisions, challenges

  • Discover your true self and your gifts

  • Learn meditation basics

  • Spiritual protection basics for self and home

  • Spiritual cleansing/clearing basics for self and home



Full Intuitive Reiki Sessions | $100

Mini Intuitive Reiki Sessions | $65



Reiki classes taught in group or private/individual sessions:

Non-Traditional Usui Reiki, Level One, Level Two, Level Three (Master Practitioner), Level Four (Master/Instructor) 

Soul Retrieval

Soul loss can occur when we are faced with life’s traumas, which can affect our mind, body, and/or spirit. When traumas occur, our soul essence can retreat to protect itself from further trauma.

Soul Retrieval is a sacred healing & integration of that soul loss, as it is returned.


Some symptoms of soul loss may be (but are not limited to):


  • The feeling of being “stuck” in life

  • Unable to move past certain events in your life

  • Feeling lost

  • Feeling empty, or like something is missing

  • Depression

  • Addictions

  • Low self-esteem

  • Avoidance of relationships

  • Feeling out of control in life

  • Feeling like a part of you “died” when you lost a loved one


Soul Retrieval is done in at least two sessions. The first will be the consultation. If a soul retrieval is deemed necessary, then a soul retrieval, integration, and healing will be performed.


The second session will be an important follow-up. This includes assessing how the client is doing and further healing and guidance on continuing the integration process.


Plan on at least 1.5 – 2 hours for the initial session, and 1 – 1.5 hours for follow-up sessions.


Soul Retrieval session | $125

Follow-up Session | $100



Do you feel like you have negative or stagnant energy in your home? Are you hearing things go bump in the night? A Spiritual House Cleansing is what you need!


We can connect to these entities and work with them to restore peace and harmony to your home.



$165.00 plus $10 for supplies

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Book your appointment today by calling the shop! Or                      with any questions.

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